Congratulations to Gary and Don with their SIlver medal at this year's Provincial Stick Championship
Congratulations to Mike & Mona, the winners of the Balallan Trophy for the 2nd round of the Wed Stick Curling with a tie breaking draw to the button of a combined 19.5 inches!
Congrats to our Junior/Little Rock members who participated in a recent bonspiel. First and Second place, and fun had by all!
Attention Sunday Evening Curlers, curling is cancelled this evening Feb 16, 2025 due to weather forecast
All past and present members are able to attend the Dinner (and their guests) for a cost of $10 per person, please sign up or contact Marc
The Nova Scotia Stick League Playoffs were held this weekend in Windsor and Bluenose was well represented! The next Stick event will be the Provincial Sticlk Curling Championship February 13 - 16! Congrats and well done to all who participated
Women's Gold - Donalda and Anne
Men's Silver - Haylett and John
Men's Bronze - Alison and Kevin
Exciting News: A New Format for the President's Prize!
Join us for this four-day event that you won't want to miss. Open to all Bluenose Curling members—regardless of skill level. Mark your calendars and get ready to be part of the action!
Watch for updates!
Last Saturday we held our first Peppermint Stick Spiel. Our winners were Donnie F and Rita M. Runner's up were Gary F and Ron F. Congratulations to all!
Our Blue Lobster-Spiel was a success and a special thanks to Blue Lobster as our sponsor of the event. We had 39 curlers participate. We are happy to say 7 were new curlers this year and 3 of them went home with a prize! The games were fun to watch and a lot of fun and laughs were enjoyed by all.
1st place (Winners of Blue Lobster Sweatshirts): Ken W, Glen K, Katie E, Barbara M
2nd place (Winners of Blue Lobster Gift Cards): Haylett C, Kevin S, Rita S, Ashley M
3rd place (Winners of Blue Lobster Gift Cards): Dale K, MIchelle J, Rick E, William S
Bluenose Curling Club
PO Box 428
234 Park Street
New Glasgow NS B2H 5E5
Phone: (902) 755-2875
Email: Click Here To Send us an Email
Click here for Directions to the Club
We operate a modern, 4-sheet facility on Park Street, New Glasgow.
We offer curling for persons of all ages and welcome anyone new to the area or to the sport to join us.
Our facilities are available for rental for weekend curling functions.