Bluenose Overview

IMG 3355

The Bluenose Curling Club operates a modern, 4-sheet curling facility in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, Canada. We offer curling opportunities for adults and youth aged 5 and up. Our total membership is approximately 175. We are happy to have purchased four new sets of curling stones in 2023!

We welcome anyone considering curling as an activity to:

- Browse through our website
- Contact us by phone or email

- Join us for our Open Houses
- Visit the Club at any time


Adult Curling Leagues
Adult leagues operate Monday through Thursday in the afternoons from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and in the evenings from 7-9 p.m. (or 6:30-8:30 and 8:30-10:30 if two draws are required). 
All leagues are open to both male and female curlers. We divide the season into 2 or 3 sessions, or leagues.  Our 2023-2024 season will run from the beginning of October to the end of March/early April.  Most leagues have individual entry, with the teams being made up by league convenors.  Only Tuesday and Thursday evenings allow team-entry.  Please check our League Descriptions for additional information.

Adult Memberships
We offer the following adult membershiip types:

  1. Full - unrestricted curling privileges.
  2. Once-per-Week - play or spare in one afternoon or evening league per week, may play in club fun-spiels and represent the club in provincial play.
  3. Fall Only Members - play from October to December only
  4. Winter Only Members - play from January to end of March/early April only

We also offer part-year memberships for those who cannot curl for the full season.  There are Fall (Oct.- Christmas)  and winter (January - April) memberships in either a full or once-a-week category.  

Special Events
Each your we have a number of special bonspiels throughout the season with a thoroughly fun orientation.  The Turkey Spiel and Lobster Spiel are two of the most popular.

New curlers are encourged to come out to our Open House, in order to try curling and participate is some instruction with our volunteers. If interested in joining our club, we encourage new members to join on either Monday or Wednesday evenings, which are our non-competitive individual sign-up nights.

Youth Curling
We offer a Little Rocks program for those aged 5-12 and a Junior program for those aged 13-19.
You will find detailed information on these under the YOUTH tab at the top of the site.

Member Login


Bluenose Curling Club

PO Box 428
234 Park Street
New Glasgow NS B2H 5E5

Contact Us

Phone: (902) 755-2875
Email: Click Here To Send us an Email

Click here for Directions to the Club

Follow Us


Club Information

We operate a modern, 4-sheet facility on Park Street, New Glasgow.

We offer curling for persons of all ages and welcome anyone new to the area or to the sport to join us.

Our facilities are available for rental for weekend curling functions.